Category Archives: Character Development

Stop Hugging My Baby When She Says No

My daughter, at only two years old, is a child who owns herself from head to toe. Before I became a mother, it never occurred to me that children are autonomous little people and not personal belongings of their parents. But as “Bean” grows and asserts herself more often, I’m learning that she is a…


About Leila

Leila is the founding editor of Baby and Blog. She splits her time between editing hair and culture site, Black Girl with Long Hair, whipping up butters at BGLH Marketplace, and writing here. She adores her husband and two kids, her parents and her friends. But she hates Chicago weather although she is slowly coming to peace with it...

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Why I Reject Princess Culture for My Black Girls — Even Princess Tiana

In 2009 Disney released The Princess and the Frog, making Princess Tiana the first black Disney princess.  I know many black parents rejoiced knowing that their daughters would finally have a princess that looks like them.  We finally got some representation in the Disney princess line up.  I know I almost had a fit when…


About Angele

Angele is a wife to a wonderful creative husband, mother to two beautiful intelligent daughters and lover of art, education and laughter. She is the creator and author of ABC remix

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Toni Braxton Charges Her 11 and 12-Year-Old Sons Rent; Would You?

Toni Braxton with sons Denim and Diezel As Toni Braxton does the promo rounds for her new memoir Unbreak My Heart she is speaking more about her life as a mother and entertainer. She’s already shared about her secret abortion, and last week on the Queen Latifah Show she shared that her 11 and 12-year…


About Leila

Leila is the founding editor of Baby and Blog. She splits her time between editing hair and culture site, Black Girl with Long Hair, whipping up butters at BGLH Marketplace, and writing here. She adores her husband and two kids, her parents and her friends. But she hates Chicago weather although she is slowly coming to peace with it...

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10 Childhood Experiences I Want to Replicate For My Daughter

As my tiny princess journeys towards adulthood, I’ve come to realise that, in spite of my lofty aspirations and idealistic expectations, she will become who she wants to be. It is a hard pill to swallow, but we have to admit that even if we stick to our parenting guns, our children will still choose…

Didan Ashanta

About Didan Ashanta

Didan Ashanta is the author of "Jamaican Green Smoothies" and a LifeDesigner who blogs about eating your way to vibrant health at A native of Jamaica, she currently lives in the Tokyo, Japan with her husband and 3-yr-old daughter.

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Striking the Balance Between Parental Role and Children’s Rights

Recently people have questioned some of the lifestyle choices I’ve made or intend to make for my child. An old schoolmate asked about my whole-food, plant-based diet and whether or not I plan to ‘force’ my baby to eat the same foods that I do. And just yesterday, while on a video call with me,…

Didan Ashanta

About Didan Ashanta

Didan Ashanta is the author of "Jamaican Green Smoothies" and a LifeDesigner who blogs about eating your way to vibrant health at A native of Jamaica, she currently lives in the Tokyo, Japan with her husband and 3-yr-old daughter.

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How to Get Your Toddler Interested in Chores

Do you remember watching your parents do chores around the house and because “they” were doing the chores it looked exciting and interesting to you? I can remember begging my mom to help wash dishes or sweep the floor as little as 6 years old because it looked important. Little did I know, this was…


About Kim

A Christian Wife and Stay at home mom to 7 beautiful children whose names all start with an M. I enjoy writing with my husband about our FAITH and all things FAMILY as we grow in the Lord. You can learn more about my family and I at

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