Baby Love: Melisande, Terrean, Evan and Jordyn

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Introduce yourself!
My name is Melisande Pittman. I’m from Brandon, Mississippi. I work in the wonderful field of education and I’m in graduate school to earn my Master’s degree in Educational Administration.

Tell us about your children.
I have two biological and one step child. Evan is 2 years old and Jordyn will be 6 months old next week. My stepson Terrean is 7 years old. My babies are very social and very popular, unlike their mother but very much like their father.


Can you tell us about your births?
With my son, Evan, my pregnancy was high risk because I had lost my daughter Ruby Ann at 20 weeks pregnant with no found cause, so I was constantly monitored with him. I also had gestational diabetes. I went into preterm labor with him at 32 weeks and was put on modified rest. My water broke at 35 weeks, and when I checked in the hospital, I was already 5 cms dilated and had him within 5 hours with an epidural.


My daughter, Jordyn, was also a high risk pregnancy because of my previous history. Fortunately, I did not have gestational diabetes with her. However, I went into preterm labor with her at 31 weeks and was placed on bed rest at 32 weeks. My water broke with her at 36 weeks, and unlike with Evan, I had her within 9 minutes of arriving at the hospital (she was coming by the time we made it to the entrance) with NO epidural.

Did you breastfeed?
Breastfed with my son by pump for 3 months, did not breastfeed my daughter. I chose to breastfeed my son because of him being premature. I could not breastfeed with my daughter because I could not produce enough milk to feed her.

How do you balance work and motherhood, and how do you carve out time for yourself?
I do not know! Since my daughter has been born and we now have my stepson, I rarely have time for myself. The little time I do have is when I go work out.

What is your biggest parenting challenge right now?
Having two babies! My cubs are 21 months apart, so both are very dependent upon me for pretty much everything.


Who is your child-rearing support group?
My parents and my husband. My husband is an EXCELLENT father! He’s very nurturing and SO patient. When I’m having a meltdown, he’s the one who’s still calm and so patient with a whining toddler or a crying baby. He’s very hands-on with our son–bathing, reading, playing with him while I work on school work or lesson plans. He’s not as hands-on with our daughter because he thinks he’s going to “break” her…but he loves to talk to her and keep her entertained when I need him to.


How do you determine that your kids are happy and well-adjusted?
My cubs’ smiles tell it all! Both are very happy and sociable children, so if they aren’t smiling and talking up a storm then that’s my clue that something may be wrong.

What is the most important value, ideal or philosophy that you want to impart to your children?
I want my cubs to know that God is their foundation and that Mommy and Daddy will always be their support unconditionally.

What advice would you give to a new mom?
Never take a second of your child’s life for granted. There are some out there who long for a child but can’t conceive or have lost one. Losing my first child makes me love my cubs that much harder. And of course, with children, expect EVERYTHING! LOL From being pooped on and thrown up on to getting those sweet kisses and smiles…life with children is the GREATEST! One more thing, know that God has entrusted you with His child, so don’t take that responsibility lightly and remember that when things seem chaotic and wild!


About Leila

Leila is the founding editor of Baby and Blog. She splits her time between editing hair and culture site, Black Girl with Long Hair, whipping up butters at BGLH Marketplace, and writing here. She adores her husband and two kids, her parents and her friends. But she hates Chicago weather although she is slowly coming to peace with it...