3 Ways Pregnant Women Can Prepare for Breastfeeding

vday bookmarksalicia and ennis nursing at gordos

By Alicia Barnes, liciabobesha.com

Knowing all of the benefits*  for mother and baby, many women are motivated to succeed but don’t know how best to help themselves. As an accredited breastfeeding educator, I find that many mothers make the same devastating mistakes. Here are my three best tips to avoid and overcome the most common challenges that mothers face.

1. Find a breastfeeding community. Locate your local La Leche League, peer counseling groups, or Baby Cafe. Find someone who is trained and knows and has successfully breastfed their children who you don’t have to pay to see. Sadly doctors are not usually the best to turn to. I asked an OBGYN friend about their breastfeeding education in medical school, and she said one morning, a nurse came in and gave a presentation on how breast is best, and that was it. They didn’t learn the anatomy or mechanics of breastfeeding. They didn’t learn how to help mothers. They didn’t witness breastfeeding in person, done well, or even poorly. They had no exposure to the basics.

Lactation consultants often charge $100/visit and you only see them after you have a problem. Groups like La Leche League hold regular meetings on series topics and can give you information to prevent problems before you ever face them. They also offer free support and connections to help you through any troubles you may face. Mother-to-mother based support is vital. That firsthand experience can’t be beat.

2. Read before your baby comes. Just because breastfeeding is natural, doesn’t mean it comes naturally without preparation, dedication, and practice. Breastfeeding is a skill that requires development for both the baby and the mom. Learning about what is normal and what is to be expected and how to tell when something is wrong early can mean the difference between meeting your goals and your milk unintentionally drying up. If you read, you’ll know breastfeeding should never hurt and you’ll be able to look for qualified help before your nipples become injured.

Topics to make sure to cover before baby arrives:
How to hold the baby
How to tell your baby is receiving enough milk
How to determine if you have a low supply and if so how to increase supply
How milk production actually works
Hidden Hindrances to a Healthy Milk Supply (formula supplementing, birth control, and sleep training can knock out a supply) 

Books to read
The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding
Ina May’s Guide to Breastfeeding
The Breastfeeding Book
-The Ultimate Breastfeeding Book of Answers: The Most Comprehensive Problem-Solving Guide to Breastfeeding from the Foremost Expert in North America,

Websites to visit
– Kellymom
– Reaching Our Sisters Everywhere Inc. 
– La Leche League International 

3. Anticipate the intensity and time commitment of back-to-back feedings. Breastfed babies eat more often than formula fed. When mothers try to feed breastfed babies on a rigid formula-based schedule, they often lose their milk. Breastfeeding works by supply and demand, and babies should empty the breasts at least 8 times in a 24 hour period. Honestly, most newborns stay latched and are unhappy to be away from mom and her boob. This is natural. You may feel trapped at times, like you’ve done nothing but breastfeed for days on end, but that’s a beautiful and important thing. Each time the baby latches, the body responds with a cocktail of hormones that are setting up your milk supply for length of your breastfeeding relationship.

By interrupting these first few weeks of latching with pacifiers, passing the baby around, bottles, and sleep training, a woman can signal her body that she doesn’t need to make milk and she loses her supply. So sit and let the baby latch. If the baby roots, let him latch. If the baby fusses, let him latch. If he cries, let him latch. You can’t spoil a baby but you sure can ruin breastfeeding by listening to outside voices telling you you’re feeding too much and you’ll make your baby too dependent. There is nothing wrong with a brand new to this world baby being dependent upon his mother. Ignore those outdated voices and listen to your baby. This frequent latching encourages you to sit still and recover from childbirth and pregnancy. Postpartum recovery plays an important role in breastfeeding. A new mother’s job is to feed the baby and nothing else.

If you’re like me, things sink in best when they’re set to a beat. So be sure to watch this hip hop video “Teach me how to breastfeed.”

Ladies, what tips or advice would you add?

Alicia lives and holds breastfeeding support meetings in a small college town that often challenges her resolve to live as simply and as stress-free as possible. When she’s not working, rereading the same children’s books, cooking, or wondering how crunchy she’s become, she’s busy updating her site, liciabobesha.com. You can follow her on facebook.

About Alicia B

Alicia lives and took a semester of photography in a small college town that often challenges her resolve to live as simply and as stress-free as possible. When she’s not working, rereading the same children’s books, cooking, or wondering how crunchy she’s become, she’s busy updating her site, liciabobesha.com. You can follow her on facebook.

  • Baby and Blog

    Wow. I co-sign ALL of this! Particularly points 1 and 3. I regret going to a lactation consultant, because it is expensive! I was lucky to have one who stopped charging because I called/showed up so much, but then I was hesitant to continue using her services because I felt I was taking advantage.

    The best advice I got about breastfeeding came from other mothers. And I wish I had just started there instead of with my midwives and a lactation consultant.

    Also, point 3 is so important! No one tells you how *intensive* those first few weeks and months will be. I was definitely not prepared. Had I known, I would have scheduled things totally differently.

    I managed to breastfeed for 6.5 months before my milk dried up. Had I read an article like this, I think I would have been able to make it to the 2-year mark — which was my original goal.

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    • Alicia B

      I remember the first I saw of your writing was a post about struggles with breastfeeding and it made my heart ache. At the time I was finishing my accreditation and I thought, this is why I’m doing this. All women should have the chance to have the experience I had.

      At a meeting I held int he fall, I had a mother complain that she was told the baby would nurse exactly 8 times in a day and she was shocked and dismayed at how much latching there was in the beginning. She said she just wish some one had told her the truth because it was confusing and made her doubt herself and her ability and luckily she eventually heard it was normal.

      There is also entirely too much pressure on new moms to show how well they’re doing by getting up and dressed and moving on with life right after a childbirth. Those conditions do not tend to go well with breastfeeding. The body needs to recover from pregnancy and childbirth while also setting up for milk production. New mothers need to spend a lot of time sitting, laying back in bed, relaxing. Again, not what we hear.

      A good start makes such a difference. You mothers who nurse through pain and challenges amaze me. That’s a lot of persistence and strength.

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      • Baby and Blog

        Oh yeh, I remember that post :) My breastfeeding experience was just short of a nightmare :( The other thing I didn’t mention is that I introduced pumping way too early and really sabotaged myself. No pump is as strong or effective as a baby’s mouth at extracting milk!! I really sabotaged myself with that one. And you are right, I was trying to ‘move on with life’ right after giving birth, which is why I started pumping in the first place. I should have kept my schedule clear and worked around Noah’s feeding schedule instead. I would definitely do a lot of things differently. I’m so glad that you are accredited! You’re going to help so many women!!!

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  • Sarah

    Thanks so much for posting this. I am currently expecting my first, and for some reason breastfeeding is the thing that worries me the most. It’s definitely helpful to know there are good resources out there. And that it shouldn’t hurt!

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    • Alicia B

      It was my biggest worry too. Read and know you can do it! I’m still amazed at how easily it went for me because I prepared and had good support.

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