Feeding Tips

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Some babies eagerly consume all new foods, while others who generally shy away from all kinds of new experiences shun their first solids. Often, it takes some experimenting on the part of both the parents and the baby to diversify the babys diet and feeding patterns. The task may be easier if you:

baby feed

– Avoid introducing new foods when the baby is not feeling well.

– Do not force the baby to eat any food she seems to dislike particularly. Rather, give up this food temporarily and try to introduce it again at a later stage.

–  Offer new foods in tiny amounts, no more than a teaspoonful at a time.

–  Let the baby suck a little food off your finger if she seems to dislike the spoon.


Most babies also begin to have fewer, more regular bowel movements, although breast-fed babies may continue to have more frequent movements than bottle-fed babies. Dont be alarmed if the baby goes longer between bowel movements or seems to strain to have movements after solid foods are introduced. The introduc­tion of solid foods is likely to have some effect on the stools, but the baby should adjust fairly quickly.