85 questions that will let your friends really know about you. Hopefully it will make you think too: Have fun, and add a question to the list!. If you want to answer, clean questions in the comments to copy and paste. cowgirl wedding dresses
1: Taken or single? - single
2: Have a crush? - ermmm, yes
3: In love? - oh dear, gonna make me blush, but yes!
4: Ever been married? - Once
5: Age you had your first real boy / girlfriend? - 15 years old
6: Biggest age gap you dated years older? - 16 years older than me
7: Biggest age gap you dated years younger? - 22 years younger.
8: Happy with life? - No
9: Your job: - Redundant and looking
10: Job you would like most? - Butler or wild park warden
11: Best plave you've lived? - Budapest
12: Worst place you've lived? - London
13: Place you would like to live? - Budapest, Albuquerque, or Venice
14: City visited you liked most? - Budapest and Venice
15: Place visited you liked least? - Montreal
16: Happiest as a child / teen / adult? - teen
17: Go back to school if you could? - In a heartbeat
18: Car owned? - Don't have one
19: Car you would like to own? - 1956 Chevy Impala drop top
20: Ever ridden a horse? - Yes (badly)
21: Ever ridden a motorcycle? - Thousands of miles on bikes
22: Ever parachuted? - yes
23: Ever been skiing? - no
24: Ever surfed? - once
25: Travelled in a steam train? - yes
26: Flown out of your country? - yes
27: Flown in your country city to city? - yes
28: Had a road trip lasting over 24 hours? - yes
29: Been on a cruise? - no
30: Travelled in an ambulance? - yes
31: Stayed overnight in hospital? - yes
32: Broken any bones? - loads
33: Fired a handgun? - yes
34: Fired a rifle? - yes
35: Used a bow and arrow? - yes
36: Music you like best? - Symphonic rock, rockabilly or industrial
37: Music you like least? - Jazz
38: Favourite current band / artist? - Oh, wow, ermmm....Holyhell
39: Favourite music album? - Dark Side of the Moon by Pink Floyd
40: Current favourite song? - Get Up by Korn feat Meytal Cohen on drums.
41: Favourite all time song? - Comfortably Numb by Pink Floyd
42: Favourite film / movie? - Bladerunner or Hellraiser
43: Biggest film / movie disappointment? - Dracula Untold
44: Favourite colour? - Black
45: Colour you wouldn't be seen dead in? - Yellow
46: Food you like most? - Pasta currently, but it changes
47: Food you like least? - Caviar bleurk!
48: Favourite thing to drink? - Tea or Mocha
49: Drink you dislike most? - Coconut water ugh
50: Follower of fashion? - Never...not even in my coffin
51: Your dress style? - Rockabilly or Victorian Goth
52: Dress style you would never wear? - Hip hop
53: Era you would like to have lived in? - 1930's
54: Can you juggle? - Very badly
55: Ever hoola hooped? - Yes
56: Ever tried to walk a tightrope? - nope
57: Ever scuba dived? - No
58: Ridden in a police car? - No
59: Cried yourself to sleep? - Oh yes
60: Held someone while they cried? - Yes
61: Stung by a wasp / bee? - Yes
62: Bitten by a dog? - No
63: Had a cat scratch draw blood? - Better believe it sheeesh
64: Seen a snake in the wild? - Yes
65: Seen dolphins in the wild? - no
66: Favourite flower? - Rose or Fuschia
67: Danced in the rain? - Oh yes
68: Got totally lost? - yes, a few times
69: Sang in public? - yes, but only backing vocals
70: Given a speech? - yes
71: Acted on stage? - no
72: Play a musical instrument? - Drums, if you class that as an instrument
73: Touch type? - Nope, not unles dfhnj iurhg mnuvear iurewgh makes sense.
74: Skipped work through a hangover? - no
75: Walked out on a job on the spot? - yes
76: Been bridesmaid / best man? - no
77: Actually pee'd yourself laughing? - yes
78: Swam naked? - no
79: Been to a naturist beach / resort? - no
80: Been in a movie? - no
81: Been on television? - no
82: Modelled on a catwalk? - yes *now I'm blushing...stupid question* plfffttt
83: Modelled for a magazine? - no
84: Been camping alone? - yes
85: Electrocuted yourself? - yes