Activities for Children | Baby & Blog

Activities for Children

5 Fun Summer Activities that Cost Little Money And Keep Kids Entertained

One more week of school and I will have all 4 kids home for the summer. My two oldest have hit the age where the cost of fun is not fun anymore because we are paying full kid prices. Things... Continue Reading

10 Childhood Experiences I Want to Replicate For My Daughter

As my tiny princess journeys towards adulthood, I’ve come to realise that, in spite of my lofty aspirations and idealistic expectations, she will become who she wants to be. It is a hard pill to swallow, but we have to... Continue Reading

3 Ways to Introduce Your Child to Gardening and Urban Farming

Spring is finally here! To welcome the sun back, my two year old and I have been digging in the dirt. But this is more than just getting our hands dirty. We’re having fun science lessons outside. If you haven’t... Continue Reading

10 Toddler Toys That Can Be Made from Household Items

Many of us subscribe for weekly updates on our baby’s growth from the moment we know we are pregnant. These email campaigns highlight the various physical, social and emotional milestones we need to look for, while giving us tips on how... Continue Reading

10 Activities for the High-Energy Child

With winter being almost over, kids (and grown-ups!) are bound to be restless.  But it’s still too cold for people to be outside a lot.  For kids who are low-key, this might not be the biggest deal, but for active... Continue Reading

14 Free Activities That Burn Toddler Energy On A Cold Day

By Alicia Barnes, Brrrr, it’s cold outside. While the chilly temperatures make me want to curl up motionless under a blanket, they seem to energize my toddler. For my sanity and his nap’s sake, we’ve figured out these fun... Continue Reading

4 Shows that Both Mommies and Toddlers Can Enjoy

By Alicia of Now, before I start writing this, I’ve got to make a confession.  I watch television with my two and a half year old daughter.  For some people, this may not seem like much of a confession.  However,... Continue Reading

The Baby Playlist: 20 Songs that Mommy and Baby Can Enjoy

Music is a minor (okay, major) obsession of mine. If I wasn’t a blogger, I’d definitely try my hand at DJing So when Noah was born I made a point to find music we could both enjoy. I could have... Continue Reading

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