It is completely frustrating when I can't get my daily dose of sun for a half hour or so because the sky is whited out with chemtrails. The sun is part of my daily HEALTH regimen that includes, lifting weights, organic nutrition, sleep, etc....Our solar lights don't get much sun either this time of year when you need them the most because of it being dark for more hours of the day. Not to mention my absolute loathing of having toxic chemicals dumped on us as part of our daily diet through absorption. Something has to give! Everyone is coming out of the woodwork on all of these sexual misconduct cases, when will the perpetual geoengineering bubble be popped in the mainstream media? Dorris Wedding maid of honor wears in red color that won't cost much
Dorris Wedding maid of honor wears in red color that won't cost much
How Sunlight Increases Testosterone | Ways To Boost Your T Naturally
Testosterone rates are falling faster than ever. See how one way to increase your testosterone naturally is through the sun! Read how and why!