7 Bad Mommy Habits I Need to Break


A photo project from back before I got into the bad habit of not making enough time for myself. 

By Alicia Barnes, liciabobesha.com

While I’m doing a whole lot right in my life, I’m not perfect. I struggle all the time. I’m not always the example I’d like to be for my child. There are some things I have completely under control like fostering learning and security, but others, especially ones involving loving myself, I still have a ways to go. Here are my top 7 mommy bad habits I need to break for my own and my family’s sake.

1. Complaining about my flaws in front of my kids.

I hate my teeth. My feet are too big. I poke at my tummy. My body is too boyish. I delete photos of myself and point out my flaws all the time. When I don’t know something my husband does (and he knows a lot) I tell my kid I hope he’s smart like his daddy. I know I’m setting a bad example of self love, but it’s so hard to stop. I heard a proverb that the way you speak to your kids becomes their inner voice, so I at least try to build him up even when I struggle to build myself.

2. Spending too much time on Facebook and email

Even without a smartphone I spend too much time on Facebook and talking to my friends on gchat. I live in a town away from all my family. I have only one super close friend in town. The result has been I spend a lot of time online because I’m lonely, and I like to chat with my friends far away. I love keeping up with their lives through photos and Facebook posts and tweets. Sometimes this gets out of control. I’ve read books aloud while scrolling through my feed. It’s not that I want to always give my son my undivided attention as he has to learn to occupy himself at times, but I can tell the balance is off right now. I need to work on developing more relationships in town, and modeling how to make in person friendships. I also know I’ll be a better mother if I’m happier, and I’ll be happier if I make some changes.

3. Getting to bed too late

It happened again tonight. I got dinner ready too late. He ate too slow. We tried to do some chores in the meantime, getting him bathed too late, and he went to sleep too late. Now I’m up too late having my toddler-free time. I have got to get back on a better dinner schedule so bedtime is happening earlier for everyone.

4. Finishing my son’s plate

I hate seeing food go to waste and sometimes it doesn’t seem worth putting away or composting, so I just eat it. The problem is I just ate my own food and am not actually hungry. I’m just eating because it’s there and that’s a terrible reason to add unnecessary calories.

5. Ignoring housekeeping duties

My baby is two and my house is so disordered my broom is dusty. Ok, I might exaggerate a little, but I totally use being a busy working outside the home mom as an excuse to not spend enough time cleaning. I hate cleaning and will take advantage of any chance I get to avoid it be it spending time at the gym, reading a book, checking Facebook, or taking my son to the park.

6. Being too lazy about my appearance

My current go to hairstyle is best described as schoolmarm. I gave up make up years ago due to not trusting the origins of the products. I always hated how my liquid liner stung my eyes and began to consider what I was exposing my skin and eyes to. Then I gave up heels when I figured out they messed with my running and distorted my feet too much. Then I had a baby and even when I was thin again, most of my clothes no longer fit the same, so I just gave up and mostly went for shapeless, modest momwear. I’ve totally embraced the screw it, I’m a mom and don’t have to be attractive to go to the grocery store or park look. It would be fine if I looked in the mirror and liked what I saw. I don’t. I hate being frumpy. I know I could be happier if I went back to picking clothes because I liked how they looked, not how they hid my midsection.

7. Having my life revolve around my child

Besides workout, I don’t really do anything without my child. I do go to book club once a month for a couple of hours without him. I rarely close the door to the bathroom. We cosleep. My husband is a PhD student and gone in the lab every day,so I spend a lot of one-on-one time with my kid, and he’s become my life. He is the refuge from a job I don’t love in a town that I pretty much loathe. Once I had him, I lost the incentive to try to do meaningful things for myself. It’s much easier to focus on him and make him happy, but I matter too. I know I need to work on doing more things without my child, but babysitters are expensive and I can’t think of what I’d do here. I just keep hoping that we’ll move somewhere where I’ll have more options for a social life and this won’t be an issue anymore.

So those are my current big issues. I can’t say I’m working on them as actively as I should be, but acknowledging is a starting point.

Do you have any bad habits you need to break? Advice to help me break mine?

Alicia lives in a small college town that often challenges her resolve to live as simply and as stress-free as possible. When she’s not working, rereading the same children’s books, cooking, or wondering how crunchy she’s become, she’s busy updating her site, liciabobesha.com. You can follow her on facebook.

About Alicia B

Alicia lives and took a semester of photography in a small college town that often challenges her resolve to live as simply and as stress-free as possible. When she’s not working, rereading the same children’s books, cooking, or wondering how crunchy she’s become, she’s busy updating her site, liciabobesha.com. You can follow her on facebook.

  • Baby and Blog

    Wow. What an awesome post!! The worst mommy habit I have is comparing myself to other moms, and my son to other kids. It is especially tough because my son has mild hearing loss in both ears, has a speech delay *and* is not eating solid foods very well at 19 months.

    Just looking at YouTube videos of other moms with kids who talk and eat is hard. I know I shouldn’t, and yet I continue to!

    It’s also hard not to be jealous of the ‘picture perfect’ social media families. Beautiful husband and wife, gorgeous kids. I mean, I think my son is a cutie, but it’s not like anyone is knocking down our door to sign him as a gap model, lol!

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  • Baby and Blog

    Oh, and in terms of advice on dressing better, I’ve found that following personal style blogs helps. Seeing how other women put themselves together and where they shop can give you a lot of great ideas. Just make sure you’re following someone who has similar taste to you, and shops in your price range. Oh, and it’s a plus if the person has a similar body type.

    We recently started a style series on my other blog, and I’ve noticed that I’ve become a lot more stylish as a result, lol. It’s really just because I’m now more aware of how to find pieces, where to shop, etc.


    The good thing is that your body is perfect for a lot of cute looks. You could put on virtually anything and look good in it. That’s a blessing!

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  • http://bitchesbrewblog.com erickka

    I haven’t even read the article yet but just from the 7 titles THANK YOU for posting this!!!

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  • http://naturalcrossing.blogspot.com/ Shaniqua

    My worst habits are thinking & speaking in the negative and being critical of myself and others. If you can find classes and mom groups in your area that have workshops that support moms, that would be a good start. They have helped me tremendously. Many churches have them and they are usually religion “light” so as to lure you to the Lord. They offer the workshops, conversation *and* very cheap quality childcare. A famous one that I go to is MOPS Mothers of Preschool Children but there are others.

    I’ve been taking Positive Discipline workshops at my mom groups and they help me relate better to myself, my son & my husband. If there are none in your are you could become a PD facilitator and have Rome come to you. Every time I host a Holistic Mom’s Meeting with Food, Feeding, Nutrition and Discipline as a topic, the house is packed. Every like minded mom in and out of the area will be at your door. If not you could tour mom’s groups and churches and host workshops of your own.

    I read PD for toddlers years ago when my son was 14 months old or so and I was not impressed. The workshops done by moms with real kids, that have real answers to the real life examples made all the difference in the world.

    Between the workshops and the book Large Family Logistics (and my son has grown out of the roughest phase between 11 months and 2.5) I’m in the best place I’ve been since before I was pregnant with a bonus lil rug-rat in tow ;-0 Even when I do get a break I miss him in a few hours anyway. I try to remember that when he is testing my nerves.

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  • LaToya J Rush

    I’m so guilty of not doing things without my daughter. I’m so afraid of waking up one day and she’s graduating high school. I know its healthy so I’m trying my hardest to work on that

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    • http://naturalcrossing.blogspot.com Shaniqua

      Enjoy her! It goes by so fast. There is nothing like the feeling of looking into the eyes of a woman who is 90+ while she tells you that. They tell me that all the time in my church. As long as you are maintaining your sanity with so much “on” time, I say more power to you. Enjoy her. Take your breaks and time offs so you don’t get burnt out, and love every minute of it. IMHO.

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  • Erica

    Wow! This spoke to me! I’m going through the same thing! Every single one of these habits stood out about me! I will now try to do better!

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  • http://puffpuffpoof.wordpress.com Puff

    This post made me smile; it was so real and I really appreciated that! My worst habit now is also style related. I’ve resorted to wearing a “uniform” quite often; mostly it involves jeans, a black shirt and my favorite sandles. I joked with my husband about it but then one of my acquaintances pointed it out! I mean…I wasn’t really THAT steadfast in this “uniform” but I guess I wore it enough times that she noticed and I don’t even see her that often. That really made me think. I have a couple other priorities that I want to get through (cleaning my house, getting the yard in order, finishing some neighborhood projects) but after that I’m going to do a major overhaul on my wardrobe by donating and rearranging my closet. I figure if I slim down and put the clothes I like at the forefront, I’ll start changing it up more…at least I hope :-/

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    • http://naturalcrossing.blogspot.com Shaniqua

      I live in a “suit” and it makes my life much easier. Who has time to reinvent the fashion wheel every single day? I have 7 main everyday outfits and I alternate the day I wear what by week. A different color shirt for every day & you can wear them with the same jeans. The same jewelry you can wear every day or stuff to match each T-shirt. I got a hanging jewelry holder for my closet door so that I’m more likely to put on the stuff I have. Ugly but it does the job. I also like “sweater blazers” or “T shirt blazers”.

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  • Jenny

    My goodness-I could have not written this better! You nailed it on the head!! Move to Idaho, so we can have coffee, and you can hit me over the head physically! Reading this made me feel like you were across the table from me!!

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